A Parody of a Parody: “Eat Fingers” by “Borderline Stupid Alfie” Serbovich (Based off of “Weird Al” Yankovic’s “Eat It”, a parody of Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”)

Eat It

How come you eat only food from Asia?
Don’t you know that this song will never rhyme?
Don’t you know that KFC’s slogan in China is
“Eat Fingers!” “Eat Fingers!” (burping noise)

Don’t want to debate on poorly-translated
Chinese to English in advertising
Cannibalism is all the rage, so they
“Eat Fingers!” It ain’t Finger-Lickin’ Good!

“Eat Fingers!” Fingers, Fingers, Fingers!
Grab yourself a combo meal and gorge it!

Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kentucky Finger Chicken
Kentucky Finger Cannibal
Kentucky Cannibals Suck!

“Eat Fingers!” “Eat Fingers!”
“Eat Fingers!” “Eat Fingers!” (TV static)

(chicken solo)

“Eat Fingers!” Fingers, Fingers, Fingers!
Grab yourself a combo meal and gorge it!

Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kentucky Finger Chicken
Kentucky Finger Cannibal
Kentucky Cannibals Suck!

“Eat Fingers!” “Eat Fingers!”
“Eat Fingers!” “Eat Fingers!” (TV static)


“Borderline Stupid Alfie” Serbovich-lead vocals, Fisher Price Baby Grand Piano
James Eastern-Oriental-electric Picasso guitar, sound effects
Sammy Hawk-upright 10 foot-tall electric octobass
Jack “Aruba” Heinz-the cheapest drumset in the world
Rick n’ Roll McDonald-chicken solo treated with oscillators that were soon fed into an old car radio

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